Friday, April 23, 2010

Girlfriend... Im jast Asking.. Whats up with all these Broken homes?

Girlfriend Im just asking.... Why is it so excepted to be a Baby mamma or Baby Daddy now days?
What happened to planned parent hood?
So this is a pretty "touchy" topic due to the fact that sooooooo many people deal with this issue or live this life style.

I guess maybe i have a bias view because i come from a two parent home...but on the other hand.... there are just some things i think are just common sense.

A.) birth control is always cheaper then a pack of diapers.

B.) the head ache and heart ache can be avoided with planning
( not saying that you will always be 100 % prepared but a lil preparation wouldn't hurt)

C.) A when this child grows up -- do you want them to live in a broken home?
( statistics show that kids that come from 2 parent homes are more likely to succeed in life)

D.) Is this the example you want to show your off spring? -- How can you tell them to wait for marriage or to have children with one person when you haven't done it?

Soo... I guess my question in a NutShell is why is the words "BABY-MAMMA & BABY-DADDY" so GLORIFIED?
I feel as if that's all some young people aspire to be... I go to more baby showers... then bridal showers..
I hear men talking about having a seed... but Never really hear about anyone purchasing a ring...

So who's fault is it.... the women? Are we settling for just a baby in hopes to keep a man... or Is it the men? Do they just want to reproduce without committing to the woman and family life?
or maybe it is our society in a whole ... Have we been conditioned to think that have two parent homes are now obsolete?


  1. As a middle-aged, white male from Iowa, I'd like to offer my opinion. One of my best friends came from a broken home. Well, not exactly broken, but his dad work long hours in retail so he wasn't around much. Anyway, condoms are cheaper than diapers? I'd rather wrap it up with a diaper than wear one of those. You could slam my dick in a car door and I wouldn't feel anything. Latex? That shit is made of kevlar. Maybe that's why we've got so many Jamal Appleseeds spreading their seed in the willing.

    Nobody is at fault here, although I may have a simple solution. If the man doesn't have a condom (in the words of the great African poet, Akinyele) just say "put it in my mouth."

  2. I also come from a 2 parent home.. Needless to say I dont have any kids yet. Part of that reason could come from the example that was shown to me... But I think that most of it is the woman's fault... As women we have the final word when it comes down to sex... Women have made it so easy for the men that they no longer have to put in the work.. Make a phone call and she is willing and ready.... He talks her out of using a condom and BAM here comes baby.. But it doesnt bother him because he doesnt have to carry it.. Now there are good men out there that I know. It has become so frequent that it turned marraige into a luxury not a necessity. Its almost like u can have a baby with anybody but u cant marry anybody lmao

  3. a topic like this makes u ask ureself wat happened to the old days..when u have to be married in order to have a baby???? but as we know times have what can we do....???? I myself has came from a two parent home...ive seen the good days between them as well as the bad..but they still stood strong inorder to provide a positive example to us as kids and also follow good faith.... ive been married for 5 years now with two kids..and let me tell you it was not easy!!!! alot of ups and downs.....but at the end of the day we do what we gotta do to stay positive rolemodels for our kids... I think the title baby momma and baby daddy has become popular by indirect publicism..meaning the message that is being sent out to our youths through the media is making it seem as if its an ok or cool title to have.... Now were not going to sit here and say that all couples make it, even after they've married.. But i think that just dropping off seeds and haveing two or three baby mammas or baby daddies is just not moral,,cause what can u really teach ure child when they reach that age? what example can u really give them as to what a family should be???? Now there are many successful men and women that were not raised in two parent homes,,but there success still comes from within!!!! Cause at the end of the day if your married, a baby daddy or a baby mamma you should play your role as the parent in every portion of your childs life inorder for them to grow up as a succefull man or women... so for all the people that want to fall into the satistical world of being a baby mamma or baby daddy...there is one standard that should always be met,,and that is to take care of your seed to the fullest extent and teach them how to become a great person in this world!!!! and also follow god's path! peace luv and happiness

  4. All I am going to say is things are not perfect and go as palnned even when planned. There is a higher being with a designed palnned and I don't necessarily think that Baby mama baby daddy is glorified these days if you will and that things change and things are changing especially with the upbriningigs of our new generation so don't be so bias... Try to be a little more open minded and I'm not just speaking on behalf of my situation things happen even when they are going wrong it might be fort he best in things in some cases.

  5. The question you should also ask yourself is this; "Would I consider going out with a man who has children with two different mothers?" Before you answer that, ask yourself if he was a celebrity would my response to this question be the same. I say this because a lot of women say they don't want baby mama drama etc, but if they have an opportunity to go out with a superstar athlete who has kids with several different women, values are out the window.

    This is an interesting blog. You sound like someone who is having issues finding a man or trusting men. I would like to give you a bit of constructive criticism. I know we all aren't perfect and yes there are such things as "typos," but you might want to use spellcheck (if available on this blog program) or double check the words you use (i.e. "excepted").
