Tuesday, August 10, 2010

GirlFriend im just asking... Why are people so selfish when it comes to relationships?

Mood : Just wondering

Girlfriend I'm just asking ...is it me? or does everyone JUST think of THEMSELVES.

So I was talking to a friend of mine.... he is young and accomplished... he is married to a young lady who also has a career and they have a child together.
But my friend cheats on his girl and says that " he doubts he will be with her for the long run".
So I asked him.. why do you stay? and he said for my Kid.....
In my eyes i think that's a scapegoat.... raising your child in a dysfunctional home JUST to say they were raised by two parents.
So I said the both of y'all are young and you ONLY live once -- why not get a divorce, go your separate ways and find love with who you truly should be with.
In his mind... he was going to keep the Fairytale wife and kid so that it looks GOOD in everyone else eyes and behind closed doors he is unhappy and seeking happiness else where.

So my question is in this Situation why is he being soooooo selfish?
Why wont he let her go instead of subjecting her to being mistreated by him?

So my question is WHY DO PEOPLE WANT TO HAVE THEIR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO? and WHAT MAKES PEOPLE CHEAT.... wouldn't it just be better to Leave...

Let me know how you feel.

Don't forget you can email me blog ideas @ JUSTASKINGBONNY@GMAIL.COM

1 comment:

  1. People cheat because there is an unmet need in their relationship. Unfortunately, they do not address the issue with their partner. Instead, they look for that need to be met by someone else. They also justify their actions by blaming their mate as the cause for their external activities.

    Most times, if the mate knew how the other person felt, they would be willing to adress the issue, provided that it was communicated clearly and in a non blaming or accusatory way.
    The focus of that discussion should be on how important that need is and how when the need is not met, how unfulfilled it leaves you. This should not be a bashing or a finger pointing session.

    Unfortunately, many times, people are not even clear on what their own needs are. Therefore, how can you express to someone else what you need or want from them...

    Have a Fantastic Day!

    Captain Cantave
